Will connecting my mp3 player (Zune) to a home theatre or a speaker system reduce its playback time (battery life) ?
Will connecting my mp3 player (Zune) to a home theatre or a speaker reduce its playback time (battery life) ?chinese theater
If the speakers/theater system is battery powered it will. But if it is connected to the mains it should be OK, it will just be like playing it with headphones in except there are no headphones.
Will connecting my mp3 player (Zune) to a home theatre or a speaker reduce its playback time (battery life) ?opera mini opera theater
If you keep the Zune's volume to a reasonable level, no. Turning up the volume on the player will consume more battery.
But instead, just keep it at a medium level, and then amplify the volume with your sound system.
If the speakers have to be powered by the Zune, yes. But if they are plugged into the wall for power, you should be okay.
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