I like to go to the movie theatre to past time and i like to go alone, would it be wierd if i went there to sit with a girl i see sitting alone and flirt with her, or would i seem like i creep.
Does anybody think its weird to go to a movie theatre and sit and flirt with girls sitting alone?globe theater
Not entirely, but your move goes unchallenged...the girl is trying to watch a movie, sitting there when she just payed money to watch this film, if it was someone you know then I would say its not creepy, but do your game when shes alone and theres alot of people around ex: a party...then your getting somewhere.
Does anybody think its weird to go to a movie theatre and sit and flirt with girls sitting alone?oper opera theater
oh so creepy - do not do it - i would be majorly freaked out. if you see someone you like just 'accidentally' catch up with them at the end - you'll have instant conversation -'what did you think of the film'.... but give up all ideas of chatting to a girl in the dark...not good.
your a creep
i would love a boy to flirt with me if im alone but i hate movie theriters so no one can flirt with me.
A creep. A total loser creep. Eeewww stay away.
Definitely creepy...you have issues if you are even considering that, seriously
yes sounds perverted.
it would seem creepy if you wait til the movie has started...if you ask if you can sit next to her first and she not only says yes but also seems to mean it than go for it...
remember theatre are dark and a lot of creepy ppl do real creepy things there so it might be best to try to catch the person after the movie...
I would find it a little creepy - sorry!
u don't wanna do that you will probably seem like you're desperate but i hear alot guys do that kinda stuff.........ur a guy whats new some girls dig that ****
You're not a creep, are you? So don't do it!
no way if ur single, their might just be a chance u can walk out with 1 but if ur scared to intro duce ur self their now way in **** and its not going to do u any good to sit and stare and get all stiff, just thinking what if.
I agree with Harry May. If you wait until after the movie starts, or if you walk up, sit down and start with the "how you doin?" you'd seem creepy. But if you've got 15-20 min before the movie starts, it wouldn't be creepy. Strike up a conversation about the movie, after a while offer to share your popcorn (if you have any). Keep it casual and friendly, if looks like she is getting annoyed or creeped out than ease up.
It could get creepy depending on how you approach her.
Yes - that's weird.
Most people go to the movies to watch a movie - not to get hit on.
u might seem like a creep.but it depends on how u act to be labeled a creep.
You sound like a predator selecting your prey. I hope this is a joke and you aren't this deranged in real life. If so, I hope the "single women" there have Mace!
Depends on whether you got a bag of popcorn on your lap.
I would think you were a creep. I don't go to movies to meet guys; I go to watch movies.
I think that most girls would think your behavior was inapprpriate.
Probably creep her out.
Unless your wearing a trenchcoat.
kinda, she might want to be alone for a reason, or might be waiting on someone. Get there early and sit close but not next too and strike up a convo. Then you can see if she is giving you the vibe.
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